Tips When Overwhelmed

Are you overwhelmed and searching the internet for tips? Whether you’re looking for yourself or someone else this article provides some quick tips that can be used with no therapy experience. What’s most important is finding the tools that works with you and your body. Our bodies are fascinating - some tips seem “easy” from the outside but can be life changing during a moment of panic of overwhelm. The tips today aim to help those experiencing one of these common experiences of being overwhelmed:

  • When you’re overwhelmed, your goal can be to find a pause in the middle of chaos. The pause only needs to last for a few seconds. This pause gives you a chance to use other tools and recognize that you can slow down. Your thoughts are there, but it doesn’t mean they are true.

  • When you’re overwhelmed it’s like we are floating in the air alongside all of the thoughts and worries. Grounding exercises can help us become present. It helps reorient you to where you are.

TIPP -DBT therapy offers the acronym TIPP. It stands for Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation. These tips all help because it gives your brain and body something else to focus on. When emotions are too intense, it’s nearly impossible to approach them. The focus shift can help decrease the intensity of extreme emotions. Therapy can help us further process these difficult emotions and experiences.


Changing your body temperature can change your heart rate, focus, and overall feelings.

Cold temperatures decrease your heart rate. This can be helpful when you are overwhelmed or angry.

🧊 hold an ice cube in your hand

🚰splash your face with cold water

challenge: 🚿turn your shower to cold for the last minute.

Heat does the opposite, it raises your heart rate and core body temperature. Times when you are feeling sad, depressed, or disconnected from your body — your body temp may be lower than usual.

🧣cuddle with a blanket

🛁 take a warm bath

extra self care: 🍵 make yourself a special warm drink. Add all the extras, take your time, and savor it.


Our body generates energy when we are overwhelmed, nervous, or multitasking. This can lead to lashing out, meltdowns, or something we later regret. A quick spurt of intense exercise can help our body release the built up tension and energy. Give yourself 5-15 minutes

🚶‍♀️walk around, walk faster than usual

🏋️‍♀️ do some squats, jumping jacks, or air punches

extra laughs: channel your cheesiest gym teacher & let yourself get into it, release any judgment

P:Paced Breathing

We unconsciously breathe all day every day... yet when experiencing intense emotions our body needs a reminder. Some times we recognize the signs like heavy breathing, dry mouth, or holding our breath. Other times we can see it in others, but not in ourself. Try some breathing techniques for just 1-2 minutes

⬆️ inhale through your nose for 4 seconds

🛑 hold it for 4 seconds

⬇️ exhale for 6 seconds

P: Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This one has a fancy long name, but the concept is simple. We tend to tense up without realizing it- so you need to shake it off. PMR encourages you to do this intentionally in order to encourage the emotions and energy to flow through you

1️⃣ pick a body part and tighten the muscles.. tighter

👀 notice what sensations you feel

2️⃣ release and let it go… try to be as limp and loose as possible

👀 what do you notice now?


This is one of the most popular grounding techniques. Grounding is like a tree with strong roots deep in the ground, confident it will not move. When you’re overwhelmed do you ever notice that you run into things? It feels like your pet or roommate is sneaking up on you? Others ask if you are okay, but you don’t know why? Overwhelmed simply means there’s a lot more going on then we can tackle or take in. We often get so lost in our heads we lose touch with our body and our surroundings. It can feel like you’re not even part to your body any more.

When we talk about grounding techniques for mental health, it’s something that helps us you feel still. Stillness represents calm and the ability to think clearly.

Grounding exercises help us plant our feet back on the ground- so we can take steps forward again. 5-4-3-2-1 is a great tool that helps us regain consciousness of the room we are in. You can do this alone or with the help of a partner. You can do it in your head or out loud. Simply countdown from 5. For each number try connecting with a different sense and search items around you.

5- things you can see 👀

4- things you can touch 🫱

3- things you can hear 🦻

2- things you can smell 👃

1- thing you can taste 👅

5-4-3-2-1 can incorporate all of your sense.

*if you find that one sense does the opposite and makes you more overwhelmed or uncomfortable, it’s okay to leave that one out. Creating safety also means listening to & respecting what your body needs in that moment.*

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